Quarterly Highway Cleanup
The Exchange Club of Falcon does a quarterly highway cleanup along Falcon Highway.  We are responsible for a 2-mile section that begins at Falcon Highway & Meridian Road to Falcon Highway & Good Fortune Road.  
Quarterly Highway Cleanup
The Exchange Club of Falcon does a quarterly highway cleanup along Falcon Highway.  We are responsible for a 2-mile section that begins at Falcon Highway & Meridian Road to Falcon Highway & Good Fortune Road.  We typically schedule a specific date/time about three weeks before the time we can accomplish the cleanup.  All volunteers will meet at E Blaney Rd and Falcon Highway, which is about the midway point between Meridian Road and Good Fortune Road (a two-mile stretch).  We get two teams set up and then have each team go left and right from this point to begin the cleanup.  We have a person or couple that will use their vehicle to drive up and down Falcon Highway to assist the cleanup teams anyway possible. 
We have completed a cleanup on Feb 4, 2025 - to satisfy our January - March 2025 quarter.  We did it during the weekday as we had to squeeze one in between the snows in Falcon.  We had 8 members show up for the cleanup.  We had about 15 bags of trash this time.  We will be doing another highway cleanup for the quarter April - June 2025 and that date is still TBD.  I am hoping to do this one during a weekend as we will have more participation from students and our friends who work during the week.  It will be posted on Facebook when we have a date.
We welcome anyone to help us in this effort.  The two-mile stretch looks great when we are done.  For more information, you can email Don at donk@exchangecluboffalcon.com.